Whether or not stated, every rental agreement contains an implied covenant of quiet enjoyment. The promise is implied because it’s a fundamental tenant right under state law and can’t be waived, no matter what is specified in the lease. There is often confusion as to what quiet enjoyment actually means though. Let’s take a closer …
Category: Landlord Education
What Does Quiet Enjoyment Mean?

Whitehouse Releases Blueprint for Renters Bill of Rights

The White House has published a memorandum entitled “Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights“. While the Blueprint does not create any new law, it does set forth certain actions that federal agencies intend to take regarding landlord-tenant matters. Assuming property owners and managers are already following the law as written, no immediate changes are …
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How Can I Theft-Proof my Rental Property?

Theft is a scary prospect for landlords and tenants alike. Beyond the loss of valuables and the hassle of replacing doors or locks, an intrusion compromises safety and violates a person’s feelings of protection and well-being in their home. So what security improvements will make a burglary less likely on your rental property? Here are …
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What is the Difference Between a Guarantor and a Cosigner?

A screening process with minimum requirements for income, rental history, or credit score is one of the best ways landlords can secure tenants who can pay rent on time. But what about situations where a potential renter doesn’t quite meet those standards but would otherwise make a great tenant? Or what if a tenant lacks …
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Property Maintenance that’s Worth the Cost

Property maintenance: a subject that often causes grumbling among landlords, and with good reason! Keeping a property in good repair requires significant time, work, and money, and your efforts can feel futile if tenants aren’t appreciative or fail to take good care of the unit themselves. But despite the drawbacks, maintenance is a necessary extension …
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Establishing Safety Guidelines with your Tenants

As a caring, responsible landlord, the safety of your tenants is a high priority. Maintaining high safety standards will not only allow your tenant to enjoy the unit they’ve rented in peace and security but will also go a long way toward preventing property damage and protecting you from legal claims. But before stressing the …
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Setting Property Investment Goals for 2023

December is a perfect time to reflect on the outgoing year and prepare for the year ahead. If you achieved your property investment goals for 2022, congratulations! Take time to celebrate those milestones and think about how to keep that momentum going into the New Year. But, even if you didn’t achieve your goals, give …
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When Should I be Lenient with my Tenants?

In an ideal world, every tenant would pay rent on time, treat their unit with care and respect, and fulfill each lease clause throughout a long, uncomplicated tenancy. But unfortunately, property owners don’t live in an ideal world, nor do their renters. Sometimes a tenant damages property or breaks a lease in a way that …
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How Can I Upgrade my Rental Property Without Breaking the Budget?

One of your responsibilities as a rental property owner is to keep your unit well-maintained and up-to-date. But while renovations make your property more attractive to potential tenants, they can also be hard on your budget and cut significantly into revenue. The good news is that not every upgrade comes with a painful price tag. …
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What Holiday Decorating Guidelines Should I Set for My Tenants?

The holiday season brings so much cheer, goodwill, and nostalgia. Even driving down the street feels more festive with reindeer, snowmen, icicles, and more adorning yards and storefronts. But as a rental property owner, the prospect of holiday trimmings can be stress-inducing if you fear that you and your tenant may have very different ideas …
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