Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Do I Need to Make Lead-Based Paint Disclosures in My Lease?

Years ago, lead was a popular paint component since it kept paint moisture-resistant and fresh. But science has shown that lead is highly toxic. If ingested or absorbed, lead damages vital organs and causes developmental delays in children. As a result, the U.S. government outlawed lead-based paint in 1978, though some states banned it sooner.  …

How Should I Handle My Rental Property in My Estate Plan?

When it comes to estate planning it’s tempting to procrastinate. It’s unpleasant to contemplate your incapacitation or death, and estate plans can feel distant and irrelevant while enjoying good health. But planning for the future is essential when passing your assets to your loved ones. And bequeathing rental properties may require special considerations. So don’t …

How and Why to Invest in a Property with Mixed-Use Zoning

A glance across Main Street in a bustling town reveals a blend of restaurants, stores, and services at ground level with apartments rising above them. Many downtown condominiums inhabit the same city block as coffee shops, supermarkets, and theaters. Every day, more of these mixed-use developments rear their heads. And landlords wonder if they should …

Tips for Working with a Homeowner Association

A homeowner association (HOA) is an organization that supervises a subdivision of apartments, townhouses, condominiums, or single-family homes. Every property owner within the subdivision automatically becomes an HOA member. As such, he must pay dues to the organization and abide by its policies. In turn, the HOA’s board of directors oversees the proper maintenance of …

Factors to Consider when Renting to Seniors

Retirees often downsize from family homes to smaller rental properties. This fact makes senior citizens a significant body of potential tenants. In many respects, seniors make desirable renters since they are often quieter, less prone to recklessness, and are more experienced property caretakers. But the senior population also requires specific considerations from their landlords. Here …