Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Are Home Warranties Worth the Cost?

Most landlords purchase insurance to protect against property damage caused by weather, water, fire, and theft. Should landlords also purchase a home warranty policy? Home warranties typically cover service visits and repairs for electrical, plumbing, and HVAC, and may cover major laundry and kitchen appliances as well.  The items covered, service fees, and exclusions vary quite a bit …

The Power of Gratitude

Imagine if there was something that could make you happier, improve your health, deepen your relationships, and even increase your productivity. Sounds amazing, right? Well, there is, and the good news? It’s not expensive or complicated. And absolutely anyone can access this life-impacting “something.”  What can do all these awesome things and more? Gratitude.    Adopting an “attitude of gratitude” gets a lot of mileage in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday. For …

5 Tips for Marketing Your Rental Property to Gen Z

Generation Z. The young men and women born between 1997 and 2012, the successors to the Millennial generation. Those recent grads or the guys and gals approaching graduation, ready to venture out on their own into the wonderful world of securing housing. For many in this demographic, that means finding an apartment, townhouse, or single-family home to rent –as few are in the position to buy …

Long-term vs. Short-term Rentals

As with most things in life, a list of both pros and cons can be compiled concerning the ownership of both long-term and short-term rental properties. The recent shift in the hospitality industry toward short-term rentals versus the traditional hotel vacation stay finds many investors intrigued by the possibilities and potential of this growing market. But let’s hope this doesn’t happen before a thorough investigation into the advantages and …

Happy Veterans Day

“It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” — Norman Schwarzkopf Thank you, veterans, for your service, bravery, and sacrifice.

The Many Facets of Rental Property Maintenance

Maintenance. The word is often responsible for nightmares and huge pits in the stomach, but it doesn’t have to be that way. While some rental property owners and managers wring their hands and procrastinate over maintenance issues, others have learned that a “plan to maintain” is a critical aspect in the success of their rental property pursuits.   Maintenance comes in many shapes and sizes, and …